Prikaz 1–12 od 128 rezultata

36 GBM Dijamantski abrazivni lanac

56.090,00 рсд

Za STIHL sekače kamena

STIHL 36 GBM lanac sekača dijamanata vam omogućava da mokro sečete različite materijale brzo, tiho i uz niske vibracije pomoću vašeg STIHL GS 461 sekača betona. Zahvaljujući prethodno naoštrenim dijamantskim segmentima, pun učinak se ostvaruje od prvog reza. Tehnologija niske rastegljivosti značajno smanjuje produženje lanca i time optimizuje vreme rada do ponovnog zatezanja. Ovo omogućava da režete materijale čak i u teškim pozicijama za rezanje i na teško dostupnim mestima. STIHL 36 GBM lanac sekača dijamanata je pogodan za rezanje betona i tvrdog kamena i dostupan je za dužinu vodilice od 40 cm. Lanac sekača je pogodan za rezanje cigle. Prilikom kupovine lanca, molimo vodite računa da imate dostupnu pravu verziju STIHL Rollomatic G vodilice.

36 GBM Dijamantski abrazivni lanac

38.690,00 рсд

Za STIHL sekače kamena

STIHL 36 GBM lanac sekača dijamanata vam omogućava da mokro sečete različite materijale brzo, tiho i uz niske vibracije pomoću vašeg STIHL GS 461 sekača betona. Zahvaljujući prethodno naoštrenim dijamantskim segmentima, pun učinak se ostvaruje od prvog reza. Tehnologija niske rastegljivosti značajno smanjuje produženje lanca i time optimizuje vreme rada do ponovnog zatezanja. U zavisnosti od dizajna lanca sekača, možete ga takođe koristiti za mokro sečenje materijala poput cigle ili betona ili čak provodnih cevi u izgradnji vodova i cevovoda. Ovo omogućava da režete materijale čak i u teškim pozicijama za rezanje i na teško dostupnim mestima. 36 GBE lanac sekača dijamanata je dostupan za dužine vodilice od 40 cm. Prilikom kupovine lanca, vodite računa da imate dostupnu pravu verziju STIHL Rollomatic G vodilice.

Lanac testere 13 RMS Rapid Micro Spezial rezni lanac, rolna 1200

67.890,00 рсд

Komforni lanac sa malim vibracijama sa dobrim kapacitetom sečenja

STIHL 1/4" Rapid Micro Special (RMS) lanac testere debljine pogonske karike od 1,3 mm je idealan za zahtevne rezbare drveta i arboriste. Specijalno razvijena skraćena gornja ploča povećava brzinu probijanja tako da možete da radite sa vašom MS 194 C-E testerom za rezbarenje bez primene pritiska tokom procesa probijanja. Ovim ne samo da štedite energiju,već i olakšavate rezbarenje složenih kontura i finih oberazaca u drvetu pomoću vaše testere za rezbarenje, na primer prilikom pravljenja drvenih baštenskih dekoracija. U isto vreme, izuzetan učinak rezanja STIHL 1/4" Rapid Micro Special (RMS) lanca za rezbarenje vam omogućava da režete drveće bez napora, čisto i uz visok nivo kvaliteta. Time se olakšava održavanje drveća. Niske vibracije vam takođe pomažu da precizno usmeravate testeru.

Lanac testere 23 RS Rapid Super rezni lanac 28 zuba 1.3 mm 325”

1.960,00 рсд

.325" Super Pro: Full-chisel chain for forestry and harvesting wood

The STIHL .325" Super Pro high-performance saw chain with full-chisel tooth is ideal for professional forestry and harvesting wood. Thanks to its narrower kerf, it achieves up to 20% higher cutting performance than previous .325 inch saw chains with a drive link thickness of 1.3 mm. This makes it ideal for professionally and quickly felling or pruning treessawing firewood and maintaining young stock. The high cutting quality provided by the full-chisel tooth ensures that you can always cut cleanly and precisely with a chainsaw such as the STIHL MS 261. In addition, the Super Pro full-chisel saw chain’s low vibration and low chatter help you cut back trees or thicker branches safely and easily.

Lanac testere 23 RS Rapid Super rezni lanac 32 zuba 1.3 mm 325”

2.240,00 рсд

.325" Super Pro: Full-chisel chain for forestry and harvesting wood

The STIHL .325" Super Pro high-performance saw chain with full-chisel tooth is ideal for professional forestry and harvesting wood. Thanks to its narrower kerf, it achieves up to 20% higher cutting performance than previous .325 inch saw chains with a drive link thickness of 1.3 mm. This makes it ideal for professionally and quickly felling or pruning treessawing firewood and maintaining young stock. The high cutting quality provided by the full-chisel tooth ensures that you can always cut cleanly and precisely with a chainsaw such as the STIHL MS 261. In addition, the Super Pro full-chisel saw chain’s low vibration and low chatter help you cut back trees or thicker branches safely and easily.

Lanac testere 23 RS Rapid Super rezni lanac 33 zuba 1.3 mm 325”

2.310,00 рсд

.325" Super Pro: Full-chisel chain for forestry and harvesting wood

The STIHL .325" Super Pro high-performance saw chain with full-chisel tooth is ideal for professional forestry and harvesting wood. Thanks to its narrower kerf, it achieves up to 20% higher cutting performance than previous .325 inch saw chains with a drive link thickness of 1.3 mm. This makes it ideal for professionally and quickly felling or pruning treessawing firewood and maintaining young stock. The high cutting quality provided by the full-chisel tooth ensures that you can always cut cleanly and precisely with a chainsaw such as the STIHL MS 261. In addition, the Super Pro full-chisel saw chain’s low vibration and low chatter help you cut back trees or thicker branches safely and easily.

Lanac testere 23 RS Rapid Super rezni lanac 36 zuba 1.3 mm 325”

2.520,00 рсд

.325" Super Pro: Full-chisel chain for forestry and harvesting wood

The STIHL .325" Super Pro high-performance saw chain with full-chisel tooth is ideal for professional forestry and harvesting wood. Thanks to its narrower kerf, it achieves up to 20% higher cutting performance than previous .325 inch saw chains with a drive link thickness of 1.3 mm. This makes it ideal for professionally and quickly felling or pruning treessawing firewood and maintaining young stock. The high cutting quality provided by the full-chisel tooth ensures that you can always cut cleanly and precisely with a chainsaw such as the STIHL MS 261. In addition, the Super Pro full-chisel saw chain’s low vibration and low chatter help you cut back trees or thicker branches safely and easily.

Lanac testere 23 RS Rapid Super rezni lanac 38 zuba 1.3 mm 325”

2.660,00 рсд

.325" Super Pro: Full-chisel chain for forestry and harvesting wood

The STIHL .325" Super Pro high-performance saw chain with full-chisel tooth is ideal for professional forestry and harvesting wood. Thanks to its narrower kerf, it achieves up to 20% higher cutting performance than previous .325 inch saw chains with a drive link thickness of 1.3 mm. This makes it ideal for professionally and quickly felling or pruning treessawing firewood and maintaining young stock. The high cutting quality provided by the full-chisel tooth ensures that you can always cut cleanly and precisely with a chainsaw such as the STIHL MS 261. In addition, the Super Pro full-chisel saw chain’s low vibration and low chatter help you cut back trees or thicker branches safely and easily.

Lanac testere 23 RS Rapid Super rezni lanac, rolna, 920 zuba

44.690,00 рсд

.325" Super Pro: Full-chisel chain for forestry and harvesting wood

The STIHL .325" Super Pro high-performance saw chain with full-chisel tooth is ideal for professional forestry and harvesting wood. Thanks to its narrower kerf, it achieves up to 20% higher cutting performance than previous .325 inch saw chains with a drive link thickness of 1.3 mm. This makes it ideal for professionally and quickly felling or pruning treessawing firewood and maintaining young stock. The high cutting quality provided by the full-chisel tooth ensures that you can always cut cleanly and precisely with a chainsaw such as the STIHL MS 261. In addition, the Super Pro full-chisel saw chain’s low vibration and low chatter help you cut back trees or thicker branches safely and easily.

Lanac testere 23 RS3 Pro Rapid Super rezni lanac, rolna

44.690,00 рсд

.325" Super Pro: Full-chisel chain for forestry and harvesting wood

The STIHL .325" Super Pro high-performance saw chain with full-chisel tooth is ideal for professional forestry and harvesting wood. Thanks to its narrower kerf, it achieves up to 20% higher cutting performance than previous .325 inch saw chains with a drive link thickness of 1.3 mm. This makes it ideal for professionally and quickly felling or pruning treessawing firewood and maintaining young stock. The high cutting quality provided by the full-chisel tooth ensures that you can always cut cleanly and precisely with a chainsaw such as the STIHL MS 261. In addition, the Super Pro full-chisel saw chain’s low vibration and low chatter help you cut back trees or thicker branches safely and easily.

Lanac testere 25 RS Rapid Super rezni lanac 28 zuba 1.5 mm 325”

1.960,00 рсд

.325” Rapid Super (RS): STIHL professional saw chain with very high cutting performance

The .325” Rapid Super (RS) is a full-chisel chain ideally suited for professional forestry and timber harvesting. Thanks to the full-chisel tooth and low cutting resistance, you can achieve the highest piercing and cutting performance of all STIHL saw chains with the Super saw chains. This enables you to fell even large trees quickly and effortlessly. The cut quality remains very high even in continuous use, so that you can cut felled trees and branches into smaller units with clean, precise cuts. Thanks to the low vibrations of the Rapid Super (RS) saw chain with a drive link thickness of 1.3 mm, your chainsaw is quiet in operation, enabling you to cut through wood safely and easily. In addition, the low chattering tendency offers you the convenience of being able to precisely position and guide the high-performance saw chain.

Lanac testere 25 RS Rapid Super rezni lanac 32 zuba 1.5 mm 325”

2.240,00 рсд

.325” Rapid Super (RS): STIHL professional saw chain with very high cutting performance

The .325” Rapid Super (RS) is a full-chisel chain ideally suited for professional forestry and timber harvesting. Thanks to the full-chisel tooth and low cutting resistance, you can achieve the highest piercing and cutting performance of all STIHL saw chains with the Super saw chains. This enables you to fell even large trees quickly and effortlessly. The cut quality remains very high even in continuous use, so that you can cut felled trees and branches into smaller units with clean, precise cuts. Thanks to the low vibrations of the Rapid Super (RS) saw chain with a drive link thickness of 1.3 mm, your chainsaw is quiet in operation, enabling you to cut through wood safely and easily. In addition, the low chattering tendency offers you the convenience of being able to precisely position and guide the high-performance saw chain.